The Curtain With

Where I post sometimes.

Saturday, June 04, 2005


I'm dedicated to about three or four things.

Music Technology

Writing Music

Eating Sour Cream n' Onion Chips

and i think that's about it. honestly, i can't do this blog crap, i need to admit it now.

I may post once or twice in the future but it'll be so infrequent that i'll have to call john, taylor, tim, darcy, becca and katie and say "did you see my update?" By the way, this will take place thousands of hours in the future in a landscape that has been raped by the Gods who swore to protect her. Suddenly a hero must emerge. Will it be "The Testosterone Hockey Dad?", the "Crooked Cop With a Heart of Gold...Platinum Gold That is", or will it be "Harriet, the slut that everyone fucks in the whole wide world and she has so many std's that if you looked at her in the right way and the sun was caressing her shoulders the crabs would fly off her vagina and attack your genitals in an orgy of infectious and virulent life screwing."

Obviously it's the slut.

R.I.P Ryan's Blog, You Certainly Sucked