The Curtain With

Where I post sometimes.

Monday, November 14, 2005

On High School Year Book Quotes and Ca Ira

After listening to Roger Waters' latest contribution to Music History, Ca Ira (There Is A Hope) I've come to this conclusion: Mr. Waters is a misogynist.

Allow me to explain? No? Are you sure? Really? Why? I don't want to do that now? Where?! Hell no!! Not even for that much money!!! What the shit is going on...etc

Let's start with some deep analysis of Dark Side of The Moon. The Moon, in Greek Mythology, is under principle control of Diana. The Moon has been linked to the tidal activity of the world's oceans. The Moon has also been linked to the menstrual cycle of females. Now, to put all this into a viable and understandable construct, The Moon, in Greek Mythology is controlled by a woman, and said heavenly bodies' activity affects not only the world but women individualyl throughout this oceanic metropolis called Earth. Now, in American Mythology we have decided that the menstrual cycle effects females in quite a negative way, because honestly who else but the Birth Givers could sustain a pounding uterine pressure and excessive orificial bleeding for 5 days?

Now that you're all concentrating on a woman's menstrual cycle we can get to business. Once you view The Moon in this way it'll be easier for you, the reader, to tie Dark Side of The Moon abstractly to Roger Waters' inherent loathe of women.

Throughout the lyrics of Dark Side of The Moon, Mr. Waters speaks constantly through a female figure (we can extrapolate this from all the "Moon Meaning" in the above text). In "Breathe" -> "Money" our protagonist is frequently spoken at by an overbearing female figure. The album starts with a scream (the scream of birth) and from there the paranoid, materialistic views of an overbearing mommy get injected into our fragile little English Hero (presumably English). In "Breathe" our main character is encouraged to find his own path in life as long as he doesn't leave the friendly confines of his mother's suffocating love. "On The Run" has our character frantically running through an airport with his plane just about to take off, a modern metaphor for lack of time and the inability to seize the day. "Time" has our character lamenting about "hanging on in quiet desperation", while a reprise of "Breathe" helps to augment the sense of safety exhibited by our main character throughout his life. He never left home for very long, he never took risks and he became caught up in the materialistic nature of life. "All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be" is a great way to sum up our protaganists life doctrine. He's believed all his life that appearance is what drives you in life, much like Roger Waters' mother tried to make him believe throughout his formative years.

In The Wall we have much more overt misogyny. There are two female characters in this magnum opus of "The Concept Album" era. The first character I will fill in later.


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