The Curtain With

Where I post sometimes.

Friday, October 08, 2004

The Open Boat

Meditations on the day:

Getting gum stuck on your Pink Floyd shirt is wonderful if you've recently had your arm cut off, that way it's not nearly as annoying as it is to normal people.

I'm never letting Brian Reid write in pen on my hand again. For some reason i don't find walking around school with the phrase "coon balloon" artfully inscribed on my appendages as something i want keenly associated with me.

The beginning riff of Prince's I Would Die 4 U sounds exactly like the first level music of Sonic 3.

Finding shiny tomatoes in my "papas chinos" pizza is something that makes me think our school buys the discarded "evil" pizza that will eventually enslave the entire fraternity population of america.

Speaking of Shiny: Where the hell is Earthworm Jim 3? or at least Earthworm Jim 4D: We REALLY Need the Money

Why can't Rockstar Games bite the bullet and just call the game "Murder, Rape, Pillage" instead of Grand Theft Auto? Thats just as catchy right?

I'd like to meet the person that comes up with the labs we do in chemisty class. Honestly, who has time to count and weigh 100 beans for science! I can understand for a casserole or some kind confectionary treat but for science?!

Days Until I Accidentally Let It Slip That My (female) History Teacher Is Balding: 120


"If I am going to be drowned-if I am going to be drowned-if I am going to be drowned, why, in the name of the seven mad gods who rule the sea, was I allowed to come thus far and contemplate sand and trees?"

-Ryan "Franz 'Abraham "The Great Emancipator" Lincoln Kafka" Christopher Engley


Blogger Taylor said...

I think my brain is going to explode... sexily.

1:56 PM  
Blogger Johnny said...

That was very stream of consciousness. And I liked it!

9:20 PM  

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